Regional Focus - FIA Region III : A vision for increasing engagement

The Vision 2030 report was also a subject for discussion at today’s Region III meeting, with President Tim Shearman saying that the strategies within the document could help clubs with future engagement with members across a range of matters including road safety.
“The Vision 2030 report is of great interest to us,” he said. “In preparing the report they interviewed a number of clubs around the world including my own club, the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA), as well as other Region III clubs, and got each to illustrate its competitive landscape and what the threats are.
“Thus, we’ll be looking at things such as the disintermediation of the marketplace, the Uber-like economy and how such companies could impact our ability to serve our members,” he added. “We will take its recommendations on board and in our case investigate switching from being a car club to being a mobility club, integrating cycling, pedestrian traffic and public transport into mobility and perhaps how we can do a better job in ensuring mobility for our members, not just getting in their car and driving everywhere.”
He added that embracing new technologies in this regard would help clubs secure a successful future.
“Looking ahead, I think we’ll be focusing on technology through applications, and that will include our road safety initiatives. We might do things such as polling members or doing contests online to engage our members and make them more aware. We’ve found in Canada that the more touch points a member has with an organisation the greater the chance of membership renewal.”