Despite the significant reduction in deaths on Ireland’s roads, the portion of young males in the category 17 to 24 years of age (40%) has not changed. The purpose of this project is to target this group with a message that is delivered by their peers and is relevant i.e. if you’re a “motorhead” and driving cars is your “thing”, then the place to do it safely is in a controlled environment at properly regulated Motor Sport events and not on the public road.
The project was first launched in 2011 with the assistance of President Todt and the recruitment of two young Rally drivers, Craig Breen and Toni Kelly. The strategy includes a number of elements as part of the FIA’s Action for Road Safety including:
- Competition cars to carry “Keep the Race in its Place” decals.
- Road Safety advertisements in all event programmes.
- Road Signage erected in the vicinity of Rally Events carrying the “Keep the Race in its Place” message.
- “Keep the Race in its Place” decals issued to all registered Motorsport Officials.
- National and local Radio advertising at events.
- Demonstrations at events of the differences between a competition car and a road vehicle.
- Videos on the National Road Safety Authority ( and Motorsport Ireland ( websites of the safety precautions taken when preparing a car for competition and the personal safety equipment of the driver.
Motorsport Ireland places great importance in being associated with road safety policies and our link to the Government authority responsible for the implementation of strategy in this area. We believe that for motor sport to continue it requires the will of the general population to permit it to do so. Being seen as part of a solution rather than part of a problem is key to this.