Withdrawal of FIA - Approved Safety Seat

Warning/ Withdrawal of FIA-Approved Safety Seat

During the internal quality control process of the competition seats certified to the FIA 8855-1999 Standard, FIA found that the BIMARCO seat named Expert with the homologation number CS.057.02 does not comply with all the requirements defined in the FIA 8855-1999 standard.

The FIA therefore decided that for safety reasons the homologation of the following competition seat, whatever the manufacturing date, is withdrawn with immediate effect:

Manufacturer: BIMARCO (POL)

Model:  EXPERT

Homologation Number: CS.057.02

As these seats can no longer be considered as complying with the FIA 8855-1999 standard, their use is prohibited in all cases in which compliance with the above-mentioned standard is mandatory. This decision will be published in the next edition of the FIA bulletin.

Please note that a complete and up-to-date list of competition seats homologated according to the FIA 8855-1999 standard may at any time be accessed on the FIA website (http://www.fia.com/sport/homologation).