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- FIA and WRC Promoter confirm adjusted 2020 WRC calendar - Estonia promoted into championship for the first time - New date for Italy’s delayed round in Sardinia
A majority of Canadians (59 percent) are reporting an increase in dangerous driving while COVID-19 restrictions have been in place, according to a new poll by the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) released today.
THURSDAY, 02 JULY, 1400 HOURS LOCAL TIME Nicholas Latifi (Williams) George Russell (Williams)...
The ABB FIA Formula E Championship is aiming to offer its stakeholders even greater efficiency as it looks ahead to its new status as a World Championship in Season 7 (2020 – 2021). This has been seen especially in the series of cost-efficiency measures adopted by the FIA World Motor Sport Council on 19 June as part of a long-term vision for the championship, aimed at further establishing the principles that have made Formula E successful.
The Paris Brain Institute, in partnership with the AP-HP, Sorbonne-Université, Medico-University Department of Neurosciences at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, with grant of €400,000 from the FIA Foundation - historical patron of the Institute with a focus on public health - and support from FIA, is launching a major study to rapidly and accurately assess all the potential neurological and psychiatric impacts of Covid-19 on affected patients, with the aim of improving patient management, follow-up and rehabilitation.