In motor sport as in other sports, anti-doping is essential. And in a sense, it is perhaps even more crucial in our sport, in that it is not only a matter of equity, ethics and health, but also a question of safety. By using any substance that can alter judgement and reactions, a driver may indeed put his/her life and the lives of others in danger.
This is why the FIA is committed to preventing and fighting doping, and also why it became a Signatory to the World Anti-Doping Code in December 2010, thus aligning itself with other major international sporting federations.
Education and prevention are a priority, as we believe the first contact with anti-doping should be education, not testing. This is the reason why the FIA has implemented the Race True Programme, dedicated to raising awareness of the anti-doping issues within the motor sport community.
Nevertheless, testing, and when necessary, sanctioning, remain key elements of anti-doping. The FIA’s goal, besides out-of-competition testing, is to reach all disciplines in all international championships, cups, trophies and series, in order to ensure that Drivers understand that regardless of the event that they are taking part in, they are liable for testing.